6thInfantry, Documents, Fort Leonard Wood, History, Photo Galleries
The following pages are from a pictorial review book published by the United States Army in 1941. This book, as well as the “Sykes Regulars” book that follows was donated to our organization by Robert E. Phelps, II, whose father, Colonel, Robert E. Phelps, Colonel (now deceased), served with the 20th Infantry Regiment of the 6th Infantry Division in the Pacific during World War II. The pages contain all of the members of the 6th Infantry Division who were at Ft. Leonard Wood and assigned to a company in about mid 1941. Realize that not all soldiers assigned are actually photographed if they happened to be on leave, or otherwise not available to be present for the photos. Recognize, also, that most of these are group photos of the over 15,000 men in the Division. There are names, and the best way to search for someone is by a pdf search for the name.
6thInfantry, Documents, History, Photo Galleries, WW2
Here are the contents of the US Army Divisional Public Relations Book entitled “The 6th Infantry Division in World War II, 1939 to 1945. This book was donated to our organization by Robert E. Phelps, II, whose father, Colonel, Robert E. Phelps, Colonel (now deceased), served with the 20th Infantry Regiment of the 6th Infantry Division in the Pacific during World War II.
Documents, Japan, WW2
Here is a report outlining somd of what the Japanese did to US and other prisoners. Ultimately, after the war, the United States tried and executed Japanese soldiers and officers for torture as war crimes. Waterboarding was a war crime that resulted in the US convicting and executing Japanese soldiers who employed it.
Documents, History, Korea
Information regarding Korean Occupation Period 1945 to 1949