Have several photos of Luzon/Phillipines with personel names
My father is deceased . Was with the 2oth. infantry.Would like to know how to share these photos and names.
David Nelson
Have several photos of Luzon/Phillipines with personel names
My father is deceased . Was with the 2oth. infantry.Would like to know how to share these photos and names.
David Nelson
Where could I mail these two CDs I had made
David nelson e-mail nelson2777@sbcglobal.net
Hey i think your blog is great! I found it on Yahoo. I think i will come back one day soon.
I was wondering if you came across any pictures that might have had the name Ernest (Ernie) Miller, he is my Grand-Uncle and I am trying to find a pic of him, he was KIA 1/22/1945
There is a possibility you might find him somewhere in the pages of the 1941 pictorial review of members of the 6th infantry. If you go to our documents and then go to the link listing the Pictorial Review from 1941 he could be there, but you would have to look. Realize that you really need to know his regiment and his company if possible. There were over 15,000 men in the 6th Infantry Division. Usually we know who someone is precisely because someone has sent us a photo and told us who was in it. I hope this helps and good luck with your search.
Thomas Price
I have sent some comments to this web sight with no answer. My father was in the 6th divison 63rd inf, comp. L from 1944, New Guinea thru Luzon, and then on to Korea. There they found he had enough points to go home, came home in 1946. I have several pictures of Manila after the fall, my father in law was a Navy radio operator stationed in Luzon. He took the pictures. If anyone knew my father please drop me a line. I also know a vet here who was with the 754 tank battilon, comp. D. Thank you.
I wanted to list the following information regarding
1st. Sgt. John W Mangione, Battery B 1st. Field Artillery 6th. Division
Dad passed away at age 95 in Feb. 2012
I was fortunate to have a rich history of the 6th. Division and he shared too few stories about his experiences………
I am fortunate to have some of these memories and many artifacts he managed to bring home…….I believe all the members of his gun crew are now gone. If anyone has information about my dad or his outfit please let me know.
My grandfather was Staff Sgt. Charles Oren Keithley and served with the 20th Infantry, 6th Infantry Division as well as another relative, Staff Sgt. Thomas E. Keithley.
I have my grandfather’s uniform and only very few pictures. He is deceased and I am hoping someone might have a photo or two of him with other members. My grandfather was always known as “Oren” and received 2 Bronze Stars for the invasion in Luzon. All of his ribbons, overseas bars and the Bronze Stars have all been lost. He and my grandmother are both deceased, so any help from anyone with photos would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Angela Burgess
Hello I am hoping you may have some pictures of my grandfather Vance Robert Shown from Tennessee. He was in Maffin Bay 6-11-44 to 8-20-44, Cape Sansapor 8-23-44 to 12-30-44, and Luzon 1-9-45 to (unreadable). I know he was in Btry C, 51st FA BN at the end of the war and almost positive he is in some pics found under that page on this site. Any pics or info would be awesome most of his official records were lost I’ve got some photocopies of what’s left but most is unreadable, all of his originals, medals, and bring backs were lost in a house fire in the 80s.
Dear Mr. Shown:
Thank you for your inquiry and interest in our website. Not everyone who served in the 6th Infantry was ever photographed unless the family has that photo and actually shared it with us and told us who they are.
Typically, we find out who someone is in a photograph, and include that information, because a family member, such as yourself, has searched our database and connected a photo with a name. Often that means we are sent a photo with a persons name. Other times someone recognizes someone and tells us the person’s name. Only then can we connect the dots.
You are asking a needle in the haystack question to a volunteer organization. The 6th Infantry Division had over 15,000 soldiers, and that was over 75 years ago. We might be able to help you, but you probably need to do a bunch of leg work with the database and information we have here. That is why it is hear, to help you to find information so that you can make a connection and tell us what you have found.
Your grandfather was a latecomer to the war, so his photo would not be in the 1941 review of soldiers of which we do have names. His would not be among them. We would like to help you, but do not know how. We do not even have a photo of your grandfather from that time for comparison against what we do have, and you are a far better judge of that than we. We are not sure how else to respond or assist. Please take a careful look at what we do have and see if you can find out what you are looking for. Good luck in your search. An alternative would be to send us more information so we might have some idea how to help you or direct you on what else to do. Remember Not everyone who served in the 6th Infantry was ever photographed unless the family has that photo. And we depend on what folks like you have told us about what you do find. Again, thank you and good luck in your search.
Thomas Price