6th Infantry Form Response

Name Ana Maria Zavala (LOPEZ)
Email Address anvzavala@yahoo.com
Phone Number 626-840-9247
Send Us a Message or Share Your Story I don’t have any stories, but I’m hoping to find some stories of my Uncle Andres de Jesus Lopez. For some reason we can only find very little information about him here and other sites. We have found him under the name Private First Class Andre D. Lopez US Army. Service number 39009776 63rd Infantry 6th Division. Born 1916 Enlisted 07 Jul 1941 San Francisco. Died 26 Jan 1945 Battle of Luzon. Killed by Kamikaze attack. 39 soldiers lost their lives along with my uncle. If anyone has any information about him, please let us know.


Ana Maria Zavala Lopez

Photo Upload www.6thinfantry.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/6/Jesus-Lopez-Andre-D.-Lopez-PFC.jpg

6th Infantry Form Response

Name David Meyer
Email Address dmeyer356@hotmail.com
Phone Number 330-328-1165
Send Us a Message or Share Your Story The flag for the 6th Infantry Division is about to be sent to the Suresnes WW I ABMC Cemetery. How many fallen of the 6th ID are buried there.

This flag will be marched in the parade in Paris on 11 Nov., 2018. Would a 6th ID veteran care to carry it?

We will remember them,

David Meyer

6th Infantry Form Response

Name Thomas Price
Email Address admin@6thinfantry.com
Send Us a Message or Share Your Story Actor Clint Eastwood was a member of the 6th Infantry Division between WW II and Korea. It would be great if he could support our organization. Who knows how to contact him and tell him about this website and the mission of the National Association?